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Back Pain Treatment

Lumbar Spondylosis

At Flexophysio Home Visit Service, our specialized physiotherapy approach is tailored to effectively manage lumbar spondylosis. Through personalized exercises, manual therapy, and ergonomic guidance, our experienced physiotherapists work towards relieving pain, improving mobility, and optimizing overall lower back function. Whether you seek relief from persistent discomfort or wish to prevent further progression, our customized treatment plans aim to meet your specific needs, promoting a pain-free and active lifestyle.

About Lumbar Spondylosis

Lumbar Spondylosis, a prevalent condition associated with the aging process, primarily affects the lumbar spine in the lower back. Also referred to as lumbar osteoarthritis, this condition results from the gradual wear and tear of the spinal discs and joints, leading to changes such as disc degeneration and the formation of bone spurs.


Common symptoms of lumbar spondylosis include lower back pain, stiffness, and discomfort. As the condition progresses, individuals may experience radiating pain into the buttocks or legs, along with decreased flexibility. Contributing factors include age-related degeneration, prolonged poor posture, and previous lower back injuries.


At Flexophysio Home Visit Service, we specialize in providing effective management for lumbar spondylosis. Our experienced physiotherapists employ a comprehensive approach, incorporating tailored exercises, manual therapy techniques, and ergonomic guidance to relieve pain, enhance mobility, and optimize overall lower back function. Whether you're seeking relief from persistent lower back discomfort or looking to prevent further progression, our personalized treatment plans are designed to meet your specific needs, fostering a pain-free and active lifestyle.

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